Blog, Clean Water, Water Filtration System

Can I Install My Own Whole House Water Filtration System?

Can I Install My Own Whole House Water Filtration System? - child washing hands at sink

You want the water in your home to be clean and safe, and you may even be thinking, “Can I install my own whole house water filtration system?” Some people can handle their own installation, while for others a professional installation makes more sense.

With concerns about water quality and the presence of contaminants on the rise, more and more homeowners are exploring the option of installing a whole house water filtration system. These systems are designed to purify water throughout your entire home, ensuring that every tap, shower, and appliance receives clean, filtered water.

But the question that often arises is, can you install your own whole house water filtration system? And even if you can … should you?

Pros and Cons of Do-It-Yourself Installation

First, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of handling the installation yourself.

Pros of DIY Installation:

  • Cost Savings: DIY installation can save you money. You won’t have to pay for professional labor, which can be a significant part of the total cost of a whole house water filtration system.
  • Learning Experience: Installing your own water filtration system can be a valuable learning experience. You gain knowledge about your home’s plumbing and water system, which can be useful for future maintenance and repairs.
  • Flexibility: DIY installations allow you to work on your own schedule. You can take your time to understand the system and make adjustments as needed without being rushed.

Cons of DIY Installation:

  • Skills and Knowledge: DIY installation of a whole house water filtration system requires a certain level of plumbing and technical knowledge. If you’re not familiar with plumbing systems, you might encounter difficulties during the installation process.
  • Equipment and Tools: Installing a filtration system typically requires specialized tools and equipment, such as pipe cutters, wrenches, and Teflon tape. If you don’t already own these tools, you’ll need to purchase or rent them, which can add to the overall cost.
  • Risk of Errors: DIY installations are more prone to errors and mistakes, which can result in leaks, reduced system efficiency, or even damage to your plumbing. These errors may lead to costly repairs in the long run.
  • Warranty and Maintenance: Many home water filter manufacturers, like EcoWater, require professional installation in order to ensure warranties that cover both the system and its installation. DIY installations might void these warranties, leaving you responsible for any future repairs or replacements. Furthermore, DIY water filter installation can result in voided home warranties that affect your plumbing and appliances.

Pros and Cons of Professional Installation

Now, let’s consider the pros and cons of having your whole house water filtration system professionally installed.

Pros of Professional Installation:

  • Expertise: Professional installers have the necessary knowledge and experience to install whole house water filtration systems correctly. They are less likely to make mistakes that could compromise the system’s effectiveness.
  • Efficiency: Professionals can complete the installation more quickly and efficiently than a DIY installation, minimizing disruptions to your daily life.
  • Warranty and Support: Most professional installations come with warranties that cover the system and installation. In the event of any issues or malfunctions, you can rely on the installer for support and service.
  • Code Compliance: Professionals are well-versed in local plumbing codes and regulations. They ensure that the installation is compliant with these standards, preventing potential legal and safety issues.

Cons of Professional Installation:

  • Cost: Professional installation does come at a cost. Those experienced, knowledgeable pros need to get paid.
  • Limited Schedule Flexibility: Professional installers typically have set work hours that you’ll have to work with. You may have to adjust your own schedule accordingly to accommodate the installation.

Which Installation Option is Right for You?

Can you — should you — install your own whole house water filtration system? Or should you have a professional installer do it for you?

It all depends. But for most people, a professional installation makes the most sense.

To learn more about Home Water Filtration Systems, check out our Frequently Asked Questions Page.

For more information, we invite you to contact us today.

You may also click here to schedule a free in-home water test from the experts at EcoWater of Central CA using our convenient online form.